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The United States Is Melting Down Under Extreme Corruption
Dave Kranzler

I have fond affection for my sense of right and wrong – morally, spiritually and legally.  But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to behave responsibly as a citizen given the thorough corruption which has engulfed nearly the entire population of elected officials and business leaders.  Fraud, corruption, grand-scale theft and remarkable dishonesty is endemic to Wall Street, DC and across corporate America.

Every single elected official at the Federal level, and at most State levels, is a paid servant of  big banks, corporations and wealthy families/individuals.  Obtaining a House or Senate seat is worth $10’s of millions.  Getting into the Oval Office is worth $100’s of millions.  For those you who still harbor disillusions of Obama’s integrity, recall that he campaigned aggressively on a platform in 2008 that promoted “cleaning up Wall Street” as a high priority.  Not only did he not clean anything up, he enabled the same fraudulent business activities that sunk the financial system in 2008 to become even more grand in scale and stealth.  Now he’s greedily pocketing $1 million speaking engagement with the banks he bailed out in 2008 with $800 billion in taxpayer funds.

Anyone who believes their vote matters has their head buried in sand.  Even though he must believe his vote still matters, James Kunstler has written must-read commentary on the current plight of the U.S. political system:

What America might want to know right now is: how come Hillary Clinton doesn’t have any legal problems? Why aren’t DOJ investigators examining the financial records of the Clinton Foundation? You would think somebody would want to find out how over $120 million of Russian “charitable donations” ended up on its ledgers around the time that Secretary of State HRC approved the Uranium One deal — compared to which, Bill Clinton’s $500,000 payment from a Russian bank for giving a speech around the same time just looks like walking-around money…

…Watergate begins to look as quaint and simple as a game of Chutes and Ladders compared to RussiaGate. Not only are both parties implicated one way or another in multiple nefarious schemes, plots, and intrigues, but the Department of Justice and its subsidiary, the FBI, look culpable in a range of cover-ups and mis-directions. If the DOJ becomes disabled, how does any of this get resolved?

The whole extravaganza is heading toward a constitutional crisis that might clean out the system like a Death Wish coffee enema. Sentiment may arise for Mr. Mueller to step aside, if President Trump doesn’t make the rash decision to simply fire him. The latter would certainly foment a constitutional crisis that could include an effort to run Trump over with the 25th amendment. In the event, we’ll be in a new kind of civil war.

Click here to read the rest: SWAMP-O-RAMA

By the way, this is in no way a defense of Trump.  I have not voted since 1992 (I wrote in “Ron Paul” on my ballot) – I back my views with action, or non-action as it were.  Trump is in the business of casinos and real estate – specifically NYC-area real estate.  Both of those endeavors are tightly connected to criminal activities on every level.  If you are wondering why Trump rolled over so quickly to the command of the Swamp/Deep State, just imagine the thick folder of bribe material they have on him…





Dave Kranzler spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, he traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust. He earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. Currently he co-manages Golden Returns Capital, a precious metals and mining stock investment fund based in Denver. He writes a blog and offers in-depth, unique research reports to help people understand and analyze what is really going on in our financial system and economy:




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