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The END Of The US Dollar & Stories We're NOT ALLOWED To Talk About
with G. Edward Griffin
Josh Sigurdson

It’s the fall of the US dollar as the economy realizes the prolonged recession it entered in 2008, papered over for a decade…

Josh Sigurdson talks with the always insightful G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island about a various degree of subjects including the fall of the US dollar as the economy realizes the prolonged recession it entered in 2008, papered over for a decade.

As the Federal Reserve prints tens of billions a month (60 billion) in order to keep the economy afloat, Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve claims it’s not quantitative easing. But isn’t it?

Mr. Griffin talks about interest rates worldwide as well as in the United States going negative and the notion of negative interest rates in general. What does it mean?

Mr. Griffin then talks about various subject matters that we cannot say out loud as more and more people seem to sit silently while more and more conversations become off limits.

Finally, Mr. Griffin talks about the latest Red Pill Expo in Mesquite, Nevada! An even that surely you all will not want to miss!

We always appreciate G. Edward Griffin’s time! Stay tuned for more from WAM!






A platform not only for liberty and truth world wide, but a platform for individual independent journalists that care about the message of liberty throughout the world. WAM was born as Winnipeg Alternative Media in March 2013. For years, WAM put out hard hitting reports and truly conquered politics in Canada, changing political awareness, especially in central Canada. In September, 2015, Josh Sigurdson created World Alternative Media. We've done dozens of confrontational pieces including Bilderberg members such as Conrad Black and David Frum, politicians like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Premier Greg Selinger, dozens of other politicians from all 4 big political parties. We hold politicians accountable at our own risk and provide the information Mainstream Media doesn't. We do regular economics reports. We've released several big documentaries and interview renowned experts and personalities. We're journalism by the people for the people.





World Alternative Media

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