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September 11th: A Day Like No Other
Justin O. Smith

I cannot believe where our nation now stands at eighteen years in the aftermath of September 11th 2001. Never in my wildest flight of imagination did I ever think I would see our nation so ready to accept and embrace such evil as Islam holds, as the ignorant madding masses continue to preach the glory and wonders of “coexist”, “Chrislam” and the damnable LIE that Islam is “a religion of peace“.

Although this piece isn’t an analysis of Islam or America’s interaction with Islam and Muslims, it does reveal a certain weakness in the psyche of the United States population, when we have not seemed to learn from history, and eighteen years after 9/11 Muslims are serving in Congress at the same moment Muslim terrorists are still being captured on our soil.

This, for me, is indeed indicative of the fact that America has forgotten, and their promise was meaningless words intended to salve the confusion, hurt, fear and anger they felt in the moment.

I have NEVER FORGOTTEN what transpire that day. And I NEVER WILL. ~ J.O.S.

A day like no other, the pain and the hurt from the September 11th 2001 Islamic attack on the United States and the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon — the murders of 2977 Americans — is still just as fresh in the minds of many Americans, as if it had only happened yesterday. The sun shone bright and the sky was blue and clear, and a beautiful September morning was transformed into horror and death, with nearly 3,000 innocents murdered for simply loving the freedom of living and working in America, and the anguish remains.

I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on September 11th 2001, to use a coined phrase, even though I was already well versed in the Koran and the cultural proclivities of the adherents of Islam, and I suspect this sentiment is still firmly held by a vast majority of Americans. We all watched as Evil kicked in America’s door with one swift blow that morning, and the images of this horrific tragedy have remained with us for these past eighteen years, as we recall hundreds of Americans jumping to their deaths to escape the inferno unleashed inside the Twin Towers, forever searing the harsh realities of that infamous day into our memories.

News networks across the board carried live footage, as bodies began falling from the blazing, smoke-filled North Tower, hit by American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:46 A.M. (EST), and shortly followed by the image of US Airlines Flight 175 flying into the South Tower at 9:03. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59, and the North Tower collapsed at 10:28, with the unforgettable incandescence of the images, acts of war, forever burned into America’s memories. The images of the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsing into a pile of smoke and rubble, within only 102 minutes shocked all the world and shook America to its core.

Today, too few Americans have held onto the righteous anger and fury they felt on 9/11.

In the face of destruction everywhere and much work ahead, for many Americans life simply moved on. The president was still alive, the global balance of power hadn’t shifted and the terrorism threat was the same as it was on September 10th, and the Muslim bastards had just been lucky. And from then ’til now, this day was mourned, commercialized and finally trivialized to the point that amnesia has set in, evidenced by thousands of Muslims still immigrating into our country and the fact that hundreds of Muslims are being supported in runs for public office and hundreds more are being appointed, as one Islamic terrorist plot after another unfolds, in an America where the memory of 9/11 has apparently died.

Many Americans promised each other they would never forget. Memorials to that defiant pledge echo the words “Never Forget”. But America has forgotten, and it is a shame that must be cleansed away.

Islam Is America’s Enemy

Due to the 1993 attempt to destroy the World Trade Center, by the Blind Sheikh and his band of Islamic terrorists, on September 11th, 2001, my eyes were already wide open to the existential threat of Islam. Most of America still chose to close their eyes to the threat, as hard as they could, even after the horror of September 11th 2001. They now say “Oh … I remember that day” as if its just another day from eighteen years ago. And it’s time to remind America again.

American Airlines Flight 11 flew into the North Tower at 440 miles per hour, and within minutes, searing heat coursed through the Tower at roughly 1600 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Americans were trapped inside, and they died in sheer torment and agony as their flesh was burned away from bone.

At 9:37 American Airlines Flight 77, from Dulles International Airport, flew into the Pentagon, the command center of our military forces. Minutes later, at 10:03, United Airlines 93 went down, in a field near Shanksville, PA, killing all aboard, as heroic passengers fought with their Islamic hijacker terrorists.

As fate would have it, the ringleader of 9/11, Mohammed Atta, was overheard in a radio transmission just before Flight 93 went down. Quoting the Koran, Atta said, “No prophet should have prisoners until he has soaked the land with blood.” As the fight continued inside the airliner, shouts of “Allahu Akbar” are heard.

By all accounts, in the aftermath, anyone close to the smoldering ruins of the towers could taste the air, and breathing felt strange, since the air had a texture, and it felt as if one were breathing particles of sand and glass mixed with the oxygen. The air tasted like burning rubber, putrid and toxic.

Millions of Americans watching the horror of it all unfold had the same thought, that “this can’t be happening in America — don’t these terrorists know this is the most powerful nation on earth?”

At the 59th Street bridge, Manhattan looked like a scene from the movie ‘Deep Impact’, with crowds of shocked people walking across the bridge and trying to leave the tiny island of Manhattan as quickly as possible. No matter where one looked, that scene was the same on other New York City bridges, and all of a sudden, the United States of America, the “Shining City On The Hill” seemed vulnerable.

As our people trudged over bridges or went uptown to escape danger, millions of Muslims delighted in the massacre of our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends and fellow countrymen, and all across the Islamic world they cheered the strike that these Sons of Allah had made against this America I love so well, seen in videos and firsthand, from Gaza and the West Bank, Egypt, and right here in America where large crowds of Muslims were cheering “Allahu Akbar”, dancing and handing out candy. Celebrations occurred on John F. Kennedy Blvd. in New Jersey and on Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, and they were confirmed by Peter Gallagher, then a police sergeant, and former New York City Police Chief Bernard Kerik, as well as former NYC Mayor Rudy Gulliani.

And everyone surely recalls, that it wasn’t long before our houses of God filled with the faithful, from “sea to shining sea”, and they stayed packed for months thereafter.

In the years between then and now, and despite having a president who understands the terrorists must be defeated, our nation is still largely led by people not too concerned with defending America against all enemies, and America’s leadership, especially in the Democratic Party, wrings its softened hands in fear of offending the mullahs, ayatollahs, sheikhs and imams of Islam and the Islamic world that brought so much death and destruction to our shore eighteen years ago; House Democrats have forgotten the collective national pain and the reasons America was attacked, and they would return to the appeasement that gave way to Islam’s most recent ascendancy, if the American people allow it.

Let us remember too, that immediately after the 9/11/12 Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya, Pres. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told America it wasn’t a terror attack. They hid behind the lie that an angry mob rioted over a Youtube video that insulted Islam. During that despicable tragic attack that resulted in the murders of four more fine Americans, our “leaders” tried to make it seem as if America was to blame.

There are still those — the “Coexist” nutcases in our government and the media — who insistently suggest that it’s intolerant to suggest the most intolerant vile and evil ideology of Islam is in any way, shape or form the problem. Heaven forbid that anyone reveals the cry of “Allahu Akbar” means that Allah is greater than the gods of non-Muslims; the people must not be forced to reflect on the evil of Islam and the terrorists responsible for 9/11, and Heaven forbid America offends them now.

Muslim delight was rubbed quite literally in the face of all America, at the very moment our people were in shock and mourning in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. And yet, so many Americans still don’t dare to draw cartoons, make speeches, or even offhand remarks, or pen articles that might offend Islam.

If anything, America should place a ban on all Muslim immigration , since nothing good comes of bringing Islam into a Western nation; nobody with any sense of love for America wants any new Muslim immigrants, while those anti-Americans in the Democratic Party who thrive on the disruption Muslims and Islam bring to America demand millions more be granted entry.

For America’s sake, stop falling for the damnable lie that Islam is “a religion of peace” or that we can “coexist” with Islam, especially when the historical record and the empirical data prove otherwise. Muslims are only concerned with justice for all and minority rights, when they are in the minority; after their numbers grow sufficiently, through immigration and procreation, and they become the majority, minority rights cease to exist, and all are forced to submit to Islam and the will of Allah. And this is reason enough to sever our country from all Middle Eastern entanglements and leave the Muslims with fair warning to leave us be and in peace, or suffer the heat of a thousand suns, in a manner suggested by Lt Colonel Matthew Dooley, in June 2011 at the War College.

This fateful day of September 11th should be a day to reflect on what America is becoming, when so many of Her people continue to reject absolute truths and the very idea of self-evident truths and inalienable rights, and so many decision makers have been neutered and emasculated by multiculturalism. The evil done in the name of Allah and Islam on that day and the heroic response of America’s Ground Zero heroes calls us to assess the direction of the nation, regarding the continuing menace from the evil ideology of Islam, our war with Islam.

The Islamic attack on 9/11 and the subsequent Islamic attacks that followed taught me everything I needed to know about Islam, without ever having to peek at the first page of the Koran, whether one looks at Boston, Ft Hood, San Bernadino, Orlando or New York and on to Islamic terrorism like Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan. Muslims see liberal democracy and America and the West as evil, and they hate everything about us, seeking to murder us not by the dozens, but by the thousands — without any regard for human life — all in the name of Islam, at the end of rifles, a suicide bomb and the bloody, shining edge of a beheader’s blade, in their certain belief and zealotry that they will save the world for their children and Islam, and as such, this is a war between Islam and the United States, and it’s just beginning.

America came together in unity that day, to fight the long war, after witnessing Islam’s soulless savagery, with many awakened to the reality of Islam’s intent to murder us all when it could. However, eighteen years later and still faced with this evil ideology, that is still growing and spreading and focused particularly on Christians and Jews in America, with murder in mind, far too many people have forgotten the chaotic sights and sounds of 9/11, the taste of the air, the curtain of black smoke, the scenes of horror and the acts of bravery, and the impenetrable black cloud that replaced the Towers, as our world was changed forever.

September 11th 2001 only reaffirmed for me the truth I reached on my own, after the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, hardening my resolve to keep my white-hot fury burning, until this war with Islam is decisively won. I became more certain than ever that Islam is the enemy of all non-Muslims and infidels, of all Americans. And that is something no one can afford to forget.

I haven’t forgotten – have YOU?



Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Department – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army. Since then he primarily have contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Reader in Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Majestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.

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