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What Memorial Day Do You Honor?

Many accounts will praise the sacrifices and deeds of those who fought in the American wars. Some versions will emotionally express their thanks and respect, while others will list their heroic actions. There is another viewpoint that seldom gets the attention that it deserves. Simply put, what is the true reason that all this blood was shed and the meaning of continued torment that follows, when the guns are silenced? Some will say, we just need to revere those who served. Others may dare to ask, why and what for? 

The most positive decision coming out of the last thirty years has significance that affects all of us. It honors those who served and those who supported each conflict. Not all may agree with this conclusion, but how many have ever thought it through? The draft is now abolished. Involuntary servitude is gone and forced indentured service has now become voluntary. That is a victory that we ALL should celebrate.

Before you tune out and shut your mind, consider a process that is rarely practiced today. Thinking . . . The purpose of the State, and yes this applies to America, as well; is to protect and serve citizens. Did you ever hear these words?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”

In today’s world these are politically incorrect words. Who would dare seek to resist the American Government? It’s it un-American NOT to serve in her defense!

The next phrase that maybe some have seen before starts off with: “WE THE PEOPLE . . . ” and goes on to enumerate the articles that form the Constitution for that government. Note that the individual is the sovereign, not the government. This is very basic, but so essential. If you do not understand this distinction, you are among the confused. You listen to a different tune today. ‘Service OF Country‘ is a term you will hear, over and over. Intentions may be well placed by those who speak such words, but their comprehension is lacking. It is all about the Country serving “We the People“.

Efforts to compel community service into the schools and the general culture plays into the hands of those who worship the State. The notion that to be a ‘good citizen’ requires service to the nation, BY serving that government, is patently absurd and insane. It is a total renunciation of the reasons why America was founded. When the individual is viewed as a ward of the state, and not its master, you have lost the only war that veterans should fight.

During our short years upon this earth, we cherish and love many different ideas and people. Our family should head this list, even above ourselves. Likewise, our respect for our neighbor, community and country deserve our deference. But is the State superior, when it claims that it occupies a rightful place that supersedes the source in its own existence? I think not! And so should you . . .

Why is it considered to be noble that the United States is a continuous government since Thomas Jefferson uttered those most veritable words? America was born at the moment that he spoke these truths, not when a government was formed. Then why do so many of you continue to defend a government, who has long ago abandoned those principles, and has become eminently worse than that of King George?

The call to service needs to be in the defense of what is meant in the Idea of America. The country that we all now live in, so often has lost sight of that truth. We have much to celebrate, but an American empire is not one. The sacrifices made deserve respect, but not consent. The flag that waves deserves thirteen stars. The one that now flies, needs to be turned upside down.

We can all show dedication to our country, but does our country bestow respect back on us? ‘Love for Country’ means that country serves under the will of her people. For all those who served to preserve that goal, we honor your trust. For those who only followed a false master, my sympathy goes to your family. Our country already has paid a heavy price, for that blunder.

SARTRE – May 26, 2001


SARTRE is the pen name of a reformed, former political operative. This pundit’s formal instruction in History, Philosophy, and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. We invite you to visit his website at: Breaking All The Rules.

"Breaking All The Rules" is a state of mind. In order to understand its meaning, the correct essence of human nature must be known and admitted. If you fantasize that Voltaire's Candide is attainable, you are doomed to a plight of continuous confusion. Mankind is flawed at best, favors an immoral inclination and affirms a corrupt demeanor by his deeds. Perfection is reserved for the deity, while righteousness is the province of saints. The predominance of the human race is disposed towards self-centered expediency, abandoning any norm of moral virtue. Confirmed by the annals of history, the incontestable record of inhumanity and depravity is the actual legacy of social behavior.

Society is an abstract, while government is a tyrant. The State exists to survive and control. It operates on designs of dominance and its edicts are enforced by coercion. Arbitrary standards are the norm, while a pretense of lawful order is maintained. Disguised as public service, the preferable results for the favored and submissive, are the artificial rewards for compliance. Independent thinking is dangerous, dissent becomes the ultimate transgression and disobedience to the dictates of the State is the supreme sin. 

The fraud of democracy conceals the curse of equalitarianism. Altruism is put forth as noble, while fairness is used as an excuse to demand conformity. Intrinsic, inherent and basic human rights are violated as the deceit of the "common good" is adopted to insure the regimentation of individuals. All the time, elites foster the rules of men, as they transgress the laws given to man, by God. Social Darwinism promotes the insanity of progress through the practice of collectivism. Secular relativism is the faith that makes possible the commands of totalitarian despots. The mob demands a more inclusive "free lunch" which invites further pretexts from charlatan politicians to consolidate their control. 

Resisting depraved authority is the purpose behind the philosophy of Breaking All The Rules. Liberty entails responsibility. Because man is condemned to be free, society is damned to an eternal struggle against the partisans of enslavement. Our duty is not to any State, but resides within the advocacy and defense of principles for sensible moral human conduct. Accountability is essential. Social justice is a core ingredient of traditional values. Since each person is endowed with universal dignity, it behooves citizens to respect and protect not only the less fortunate; but also ourselves.

Sincere genuine self-interest is premised upon the reality of the human condition. Natural inborn rights of free association and property are fundamental. Authorities are obligated to attain consent of the citizen, in order to institute social policies that may conflict with individual rights. Withholding that permission is prudent, when those programs are harmful. When enactments, regulations and mandates are imposed against the will of objectors, the government violates any semblance of legitimacy.

There is no moral charge to engage or support in treating dissimilar and divergent persons as coequal, especially when they avow and retain their differences. The meaning of equal resides in the ability to accept separation. Countries succumb to national suicide when they destroy the rudimentary quality of their civilization and heritage.

When an artificial society deviates and diverts from exemplary standards, the equitable solution is to dissolve the theoretical relationship. Justification for disintegration is in the best mutual interest of clashing communities. Governments never have the rightful authority to compel coerced cohabitation. This assertion holds true for all ideologies, cultures and nations. 

The multiculturalists' lunacy that underpins the social disenfranchisement of the technocrat age inevitably produces perpetual animosity. The pragmatic and ethical alternative is agreed disunion and detachment. The horrors of internationalism are a direct result of abandoning the right of individuals to disconnect themselves from unwanted social relationships. The same applies for nations and countries. The will of the world community is synonymous to a rule by elites. An attempt to foster equivalency through free trade is a scheme that diminishes independence for the innovators and creators of substance.

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