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Treatments for coronavirus that have worked in China
Paul Craig Roberts

These are scientific papers showing effective treatments for coronavirus being used in China

Treatments for coronavirus that have worked in China


These research papers show great antiviral promise for both Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine. The Chinese have started using them. So should we. The antiviral effects were originally discovered in Europe during SARS, but then forgotten about as SARS was so aggressive it killed the host too quickly and died out. French Prof Raoult and others have helped the Chinese advising them to procede in this way and tgey had the good sense to trial it. 

Unlike vaccines and costly new antivirals, Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine are generally safe, very well tested, cheap and readily available today. They could be a real game changer. Please publish and disseminate. Please also re-refer to the Blaylock cytokine paper to emphasise the importance of vitamin C, D3 etc.

Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine



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