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Hypersonic weapons and your standard of living…?
Bill Holter

Do you believe there is any coincidence the Russians first, followed by the Chinese … announced “hypersonic weapons”? I ask this question for several reasons and will come to a conclusion at the end but for now, with the rollout of the “petro-yuan” set for March 26 is there any coincidence we find out about these weapons now?

We were even offered proof over the weekend of successful tests. If that were not enough, what heck is this? Please take the two minutes to watch the video, these are seasoned Navy pilots who sound like 15 year old boys seeing their first naked woman! The point being, they have never seen ANYTHING even close to this, no one has. What exactly did they see? Was it a UFO? Some sort of alien technology? Or, was it exactly what the Russians and Chinese have claimed?

Defense News suggests the U.S. is also working on these same weapons and asks “will it be in time“?  I would ask another question and maybe more to the point, can the U.S. afford to fund a project like this? The answer of course is yes (they can afford ANY thing today), but then another question arises. What does the additional spending do on the margin to a system already walking a fiscal tightrope? Please remember this …because I can guarantee you all Russians remember, the U.S. “spent” the Russians into bankruptcy in the late 1980’s with “Star Wars”. The Russians tried to keep up technologically and were bankrupted (with a little CIA help pressing on the ruble). The worm has now turned 180 degrees with the U.S. in precarious fiscal and monetary position …AND very little gold left. The Russians and Chinese as you know have been methodically accumulating gold for 10 years or now and most likely have three times what the U.S. supposedly has. They have not accumulated gold because it is pretty, they understand gold IS money…!

Back in the 1980’s, the U.S. rebuilt her military and was superior to all at the time. The military was used to enforce the use of and support of the dollar. Iraq made overtures of accepting euros for oil and so did Libya. They were both overthrown and invaded by a supreme U.S. military. Few countries around the world (including Russia and China) got out of step for fear of what they saw happen in Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.

Folks, though few are talking about it and zero in the mainstream as far as I can tell, the world as we know it is about to change drastically! If the U.S. military has been leap frogged technologically, “what” exactly does the U.S. do to support the value of the dollar? We run huge trade deficits. We run huge fiscal deficits and now owe enough (over 100% of GDP) to qualify for banana republic status. The financial system is levered unlike ever before …and we do not make many products cheap enough or with high enough quality for the world to import from us. I would submit we have gone 17+ years with a currency supported and “forced” on the world militarily.

We have been watching for years as the dollar was debased anticipating the day of dethronement. If the U.S. military is in fact behind the technological curve, the last prop for the dollar is gone. China and Russia have meticulously prepared for the overthrow of the dollar. They now have trade deals, credit facilities, clearing facilities etc. ready to go forward WITHOUT the use of any dollars at all. This will leave the U.S. to fend for herself. Namely, we will need to live (survive) using primarily U.S. produced products. Foreign held dollars will be sent back on to U.S. shores like a tsunami with obvious inflationary effects. Your standard of living will be decimated if your savings are credit and dollar based. For my entire life, Americans felt privileged to the point of being “exceptional”. This, because our standard of living was so much higher than the rest of the world. The higher standard of living was based on the privilege of issuing the world’s reserve currency. The U.S. government abused this privilege … The privilege is in the process of being revoked …and along with it our standard of living! …Something about a piper and his being paid comes to mind!

Standing watch,
Bill Holter
Holter-Sinclair collaboration
Comments welcome [email protected]



Bill Holter writes and is partnered with Jim Sinclair at the newly formed Holter/Sinclair collaboration. Prior, he wrote for Miles Franklin from 2012-15. Bill worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. He left Wall Street in late 2006 to avoid potential liabilities related to management of paper assets as he foresaw the Great Financial crisis coming. In retirement he and his family moved to Costa Rica where he lived until 2011 when he moved back to the United States. He was a well-known contributor to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) commentaries from 2007-present. Bill has retained a working relationship with Miles Franklin and can help with any of your precious metals needs including storage. He can be reached at [email protected]
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