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Are Liberal Values To Blame For Mass Killings?
Tom Chatham

When we look at all of the mass shootings that take place today we need to ask a simple question. What has changed in the last thirty years that has caused mass shootings to become an epidemic? It was only a few generations ago that some boys took their rifle to school with them so they could go hunting after school. Fifty years ago it was much easier to get a gun than it is now. So why didn’t we have mass shootings back then like we do now? What has changed?

If you have two men standing in front of you, one is a neighbor who shares your moral values and the other is a serial killer and both of them are handed a loaded weapon, which one would you fear the most? A liberal would say both but a rational person would fear the killer. That is because you know he has no prohibitions about killing someone while the moral person would have to override his conscience to do so.

I’m not saying it never happens but it is rare for a person with good moral values to go on a shooting spree. Why is that? Is it because they are taught from a young age that killing innocent people is wrong? Is it because they try to treat others as they want to be treated? Is it because they have a greater moral conscience than others?

Those raised in a violent atmosphere are more susceptible to doing questionable things than someone that is raised in an atmosphere of high moral standards. How a person grows up has a lot to do with their mental health and plays a big part in how we act but all things being equal, a persons morals determine what they are willing to do.

In the past forty years we have seen the result of the lefts war on God. They have removed the primary pillar of good morals from schools and replaced it with every kind of questionable behavior you can think of. Kids are confused enough growing up but now many do not even know what gender they are, Pushing an agenda of pedophilia, homosexuality, transgenderism, social justice and hate for anyone or anything the left does not proscribe to has left the nations youth in a confused and sometimes deranged state. Is it any wonder some of them would resort to murder to exercise their demons?

Social media also has a role in the destruction of our youth. When kids are constantly bombarded with sick and hateful ideas they become numb to the evil they see. It envelopes their daily life and pushes them over the edge sometimes. How many kids have committed suicide because of the hurtful things said about them on social media? How many people have committed murder because of something they saw on the internet that made them believe doing so would make them somebody important? Its just one more way of destroying a persons conscience. 

The lack of respect and moral values that todays youth are trained in at home and at school also have a major role in the decay in society we are now witnessing. If nothing is taboo or unethical from a childs standpoint then we should not be surprised at the actions they take when the urge hits them. Violent actions not acceptable to society mean nothing to one who has no moral conscience.

Every time this happens the first response of certain groups is to blame the weapon used rather than the person wielding it as if the weapon has a mind of its own. Their cry is always, if we could only get rid of the weapons we would all be safe. The problem is anything can be used as a weapon. Few people know what 5 gallons of gasoline or a tank of propane can do under the right circumstances. They don’t know what a few household chemicals and some ball bearings can do when used in certain ways. We are surrounded by potential weapons of mass destruction because of our technological society and there is nothing we can do to totally eliminate the threat short of teaching people right from wrong.

Those who demand more gun control following an incident are so hypocritical they cannot even comprehend it. They feign outrage when 17 school children get killed but these same people constantly lobby for the right to kill over a million babies a year. Which is it? Are you for protecting children or killing them? You cannot have it both ways.

The cold hard truth is if somebody decides to kill, they will find a way to do it whether they have a gun or not. It might be an airplane, a truck, a bomb vest, a knife or even a hammer. They will find a way. The only thing we can do is try to rebuild our moral base and identify those that are a threat and remove them from society until they are no longer a threat. Unfortunately, that will not happen in the PC world we have created until people regain a moral conscience and place the blame where it belongs. As long as mental illness is celebrated as a lifestyle choice we will all be in danger.



Project Chesapeake seeks to educate the uninformed and prepare them for the uncertain times ahead. In troubling times the only asset you may be able to count on is yourself and this will require extensive knowledge on your part. A man can only go as far as his mind will take him. The journey we are about to embark on will be a long and treacherous one, so let us prepare.


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