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Ridding the World of Monsanto
Loon on a Hill

Many people feel small and helpless when confront behemoths like Monsanto and other putrid corporations.  This article will present one possible practical and entirely doable method of removing Monsanto and other chemical industries that dispense death for profit from our world.

The stench of Monsanto and similar industries has reached every corner of the world.  Those of us working for a new world must somehow eradicate this corporate cancer.  Luckily, it really is rather easy if we become of one mind and work to cleanse our world.  The scenario and methodology provided below will focus on the herbicide named glyphosate, but just as easily could be applied to every patented pesticide, herbicide and insecticide that eventually contaminates the human body.

Testing has proven that glyphosate – a patented chemical from Monsanto – now contaminates the air and water all over the globe.  Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup – an herbicide produced and marketed by Monsanto all over the world at great profit to the company.  Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world – and is used, for example, on nearly every acre of corn and soy produced in the USA.  Monsanto is not going to give up this cash cow voluntarily.

The chemical glyphosate kills weeds by blocking proteins essential to plant growth.  It is now used in more than 160 countries, with more than 1.4 billion pounds applied per year.  But it also has severe probably detrimental effects on the human body.  Last year the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer declared glyphosate (and the insecticides malathion and diazinon) as a “probably carcinogenic to humans.”  Many of those in that agency felt that glyphosate was absolutely carcinogenic to humans.  The weed killer also has also made headlines for its widespread and rampant use on genetically modified seeds, and research that links it to antibiotics resistance and hormone disruption in people.

You can read more background about glyphosate HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and many more locations which you can easily find with a web search.

What are we gonna do as innocent humans simply living on the planet?  Here’s a way to deliver a knockout punch to Monsanto.  Our attack uses the fact that glyphosate is a patented chemical that only originates from one source – Monsanto.  If enough people in enough countries do the following Monsanto will crumble and die.  And, this type of attack will work with any industry that produces patented chemicals applied to farmed food.

Step 1 – Get yourself tested for glyphosate.  It is a simple urine test that you will soon be able to get HERE and probably many other places in the near future (thats a hint for those with an entrepreneurial bent).

Step 2 – If you test positive for glyphosate then your bodily systems have been compromised and whether you are currently suffering from impaired health conditions or not, damage has been done.  It is time to prepare the documents for a civil lawsuit against Monsanto.  Personally, I would sue for 30 million dollars, but you can use your judgment here and ask for damages ranging from maybe 10 million to 50 million dollars or more.

Step 3 – File the prepared documents in your county or in your local court system.  Maybe ask for a jury trial.  After filing, have Monsanto served with the proper notice and documents.

Step 4 – Monsanto will have to reply to your lawsuit – which will cost them thousands of dollars.  Even if the lawsuit is thrown out with the first court appearance, an attorney will have to appear (while you can appear on your own behalf).  Try, as much as possible to keep your lawsuit alive and string it out as long as possible, as that will cost Monsanto more money (and attorneys are never cheap).  Never allow your lawsuit to become part of a “class action” lawsuit.

Monsanto will, of course, initially reply with indignance and try to get the lawsuit thrown out without even appearing in court.  Keep responding to their replies and question everything they bring up – offering competing facts from various sources that support your claim to damages.  Get them to have to hire an attorney to appear in court.

Now, you may or may not every recover the damages you seek (probably not), but if enough people all over the world do the above steps it won’t take too long before Monsanto sinks into the red – and then after that disappears forever.  I would estimate that if 10,000 people do as above, it will definitely put a dent into Monsanto.  If 100,000 people from every corner of the globe file, and each lawsuit costs Monsanto a measly $1000 – then Monsanto will crumble and die.

Personally, I think that would be a good thing.

Zen Gardner likes to distill, synthesize and pull up the big picture – and then reveal how all of this affects the individual and the motivating realities that lie beneath. What is our role? What do we do or not do now that we know we’ve been deceived on so many levels, all while keeping an attitude of conscious awareness?

The awakening is an amazing phenomenon that even so-called alternatives and activists are often cynical about. This is because many haven’t yet seen or felt the shift fully for themselves or identified the amazing manifestations of this rise in conscious awareness. Moving into the next dimension of understanding – intuition, heart knowledge or whatever people want to call it – is the final frontier for humanity and our true source of power. Once we fully awaken, the playing field morphs into a whole new paradigm with much greater means of effectiveness becoming available.

Using geopolitical events and the decoding the manipulated media montage in a conscious manner we can see the real plan laid before us in plain sight. Fully knowing these realities in a conscious perspective eventually leads us to a profound realization of our infinite potential to not just reform, but supplant and replace the false reality that appears around us, leaving each of us free to choose our paths for full on activation and a lifestyle of meaning, purpose and effectiveness.

Zen Gardner grew up through his teen years during the social upheaval of the 1960’s. He began his online writing and blogging 9 years ago after a lifelong quest for truth while living in many parts of the world for over 23 years and having gone through several major life changes. His focus is empowering humanity to reach its full potential in conscious awareness and its resultant activation in the expression of our lives. He writes on a variety of subjects from human nature and its origins to our manipulated social and historical narrative with an emphasis on spiritual and conscious awareness. His passion is to help dismantle old mind sets in order to encourage the awakening and activation of the empowering realization of human conscious awareness that is readily available to us all.



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