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Amusing Musings: Nothing to See Here
Donald R. Schuman, Jr.

The following article was submitted by Donald Schuman, Jr. It deals with the specifics of Hillary, Obama and horn dog Bill. Has the country truly fallen so far that they will fall even further by falling for the Hillary chicanery?

As the  country sinks ever deeper into its moral, ethical and intellectual abyss, one’s respect for the prescience of George Orwell’s commentaries on truth in politics, or should I say untruth in politics, expands. Sadly, Orwell, H. L. Mencken and others of their ilk, viewed as cynics and curmudgeons during their time, now seem understated in their prior assessments of the political future of this country.

In the category of “truth is stranger than fiction,” the Democrat Party believes that Hillary Clinton is their best candidate for the next President of the United States. Methinks they truly believe that Mencken’s jackasses will buy anything they attempt to sell:

Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses

I have written elsewhere (American Politics Without Hillary) that I believe that Hillary is finished. That would seem logical. However, I don’t pretend to be able to plumb the true depths of jackassery that seems to guide voters.

“Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear” - Marvin Gaye from “I heard it through the Grapevine”

I must admit that there have been so many scandals in the Obama administration that I found keeping up with them, let alone writing about them, daunting. From Fast and Furious and the IRS scandal, to Benghazi and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", Obama and his "most transparent administration in history" was far from just jayvee in the scandal department.

However, this week in American history, we saw a Clinton scandal. In American politics, there is no scandal like a Clinton scandal.

Clinton scandals have it all. Lies, on top of lies, questions of incredulity, followed by ridiculous explanations that beg for the "suspension of disbelief", sexcapedes and sometimes even death.

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages, get ready for "The Greatest Show on Earth"! The Clinton Circus has arrived! Step right up! For one thin dime, one tenth of a dollar, see the she-politician. She giggles, she wiggles, she slithers just like a reptile!

And a three ring circus it will be. The only difference between now and the 90's is who will be the occupant of the center ring? Slick Willie, the Arkansas sexual predator will not take center stage. Or will he? It will be very difficult for him to take a backseat to his quasi-wife. Having not lived together for years, it will be difficult for him when he sees his wife of convenience stumble and self-implode in the center ring, thus depriving him of the chance to move into the Lincoln Bedroom. The question that remains is; will his sheer presence overshadow her and undermine her candidacy? Will he at least "behave" for the sake of her candidacy? I doubt it. The Clintons are a family in name only and only do what is in each one's best interest.

While this campaign may be her last high wire act, it was quite obvious as the clown car emptied, that she will not be working without a net. James Carville and Lanny Davis made the rounds on numerous news outlets to offer their perfunctory excuses for their ring leader. They defended her use of her own e mail server as the Secretary of State. These people have no shame and absolutely no love of country. For them, our country is a vehicle to be used for their own ends, for their own convenience and most of all for their own egos. They will always choose themselves over their political party and party over country. If I didn't hold Barbra Streisand in such lower than low esteem, I would have welcomed The Way We Were playing in the background.

Donna Shalala was recently hired to run the Clinton Foundation. John Pedesta is rumored to be named as her campaign manager. Paul Begala has rushed to her defense. Can Sidney Blumenthal be far behind? No true patriot would ever put the country through this the first time, let alone allow a sequel. Even Richard Nixon resigned rather than put the country through a trial. Unfortunately, falling on the metaphorical sword has never been the Clinton way.

While this column has been quite glib, the stakes could not be higher. With the very existence of our Republic at stake, is this the best the Democrats can muster? Is there not one candidate from the left who will put their country ahead of their own blind ambition?

Their presumptive candidate looks shop worn. Her expiration date is decades old. She is no more than the political version of a Kardashian or Paris Hilton; famous for being famous. Even her most ardent supporters cannot point to one accomplishment.

The Clintons are no different than a spoiled child. Nothing is ever their fault. They never do anything wrong. They point to other bad behavior to justify their own. Their hunkering down in a bunker away from the press is akin to a child hiding under the covers. Most children are smart enough to learn from their mistakes and not make them again. If only the same could be said of the Clintons.

Donald R. Schuman, Jr.

A self-professed "political junkie", Donald R. Schuman, Jr. has been writing his Amusing Musings column for the past nine years. Donald has held a myriad of positions in the wholesale wine industry in New York City over the past two decades. He is presently a wine consultant to highly regarded wine bars and restaurants in Manhattan.
Donald is also a former member of the Professional Golfers Association of America. His hobbies include reading hard cover books, listening to music on his reel to reel tape players, fly fishing and of course, that occasional glass of wine.
[email protected] and Twitter: @schumericawines

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