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Seriously – how deluded and gullible are people
who subscribe to this nonsense ?
Robert W. Felix

“32 years and billions of wasted dollars later they best they can come up with is fake data, fake graphs, a child advocate who dropped out of school…

Seriously – how deluded and gullible are people who subscribe to this nonsense ?” - Rosco Mac

1. I have a million molecules of ordinary air –  how many do you think are CO2 ? (We should all know there are less than 400.)

2. I have a million molecules of ordinary air how many do you think are methane ? (We should all know there are less than 2.)

3. Why do you think that such insignificant amounts of stable gases can cause the temperature of the remaining 999,958 molecules of air to rise by any significant amount?

The alarmists are seriously deluded. The IPCC, established in 1988 was charged with establishing that mankind was causing global warming by emitting tiny amounts of a stable non flammable gas.

32 years and billions of wasted dollars later they best they can come up with is fake data, fake graphs, a child advocate who dropped out of school and the ridiculous claim that today’s children from wealthy countries suffer climate degradation worse than child sex slavery or the equivalent of forced labour in the “salt mines” and the hyping of the misery of those who have lost possessions or, worse, their lives due to completely natural disasters.

All in the name of how many failed attempts to overthrow democracy, introduce a regressive carbon tax, and probably prepare to remove a large proportion of the human race from the planet permanently.

Seriously – how deluded and gullible are people who subscribe to this nonsense ?

Of course it’s a scam !


Robert W. Felix, author of Not by Fire but by Ice and Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps, attended the University of Minnesota School of Architecture in the mid-1960s. 

Upon graduation he traveled throughout the U.S. working with architects and builders from Florida to Colorado to Alaska. In the early 1970s he settled in Tucson, where he designed and built more than 300 custom homes and small office buildings.

In the early 1990s, drawn by a different passion, he signed up for further studies at the University of Washington. He spent the next eight years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age.

Felix is not affiliated with any university, scientific establishment, or corporation, and therein lies his strength. Untainted by institutional bias or conventional wisdom this architect turned author brings fresh insight to the study of the ice ages.

Felix began publishing in 1997. It took six years to get the first 60,000 hits. Now the website gets 60,000 hits every two weeks.

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