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The War of Northern Aggression Revisited
Tom Chatham

In the opening scenes of Gone With The Wind, Rhett Butler stated that the only things the south had plenty of was slaves and cotton. As inflammatory as that may sound, he was only stating an unspoken truth. The north had massive steel mills, factories, rail roads and raw materials to wage an effective fight. The south was lacking in all of these areas. To anyone contemplating a civil war, these lessons should not be lost to history.

As I've written about before, you need more than just soldiers to fight a war. You need a good logistics base to support those fighters. For every trigger puller on the front line you have ten to fifteen support troops behind the lines supplying those troops. Behind those support troops you have many civilians that produce the goods that are used by the troops.

I keep hearing people ask why these so called patriots are not out protesting the government and trying to change things in this country. I think the answer may be that these patriots know history and do not want to repeat past failures. They know this will probably end in all out war with the government before it is over. That means these people are using this lull before the storm to actively prepare their logistics base and coordinate future needs while they can. They cannot do that if they put a target on their back by being out in public saying what they really think.

When the south finally capitulated, they were short of war materials and literally starving to death. That fact needs to sink in real good with those that don't know history and expect some sort of conflict in this nation in the future. This is why prepping is so important today. Simply having some food and ammo may not be enough if you are one of the many that will become the front line in the future.

If another civil war breaks out in America, the front line fighters may not have the luxury of large support elements. They may be forced to be their own support and as such need to store and develop the necessary logistics base they can draw on when the time comes. This includes the ability to produce basic and critical supplies from scratch at their location.

This is one reason I believe the government is trying very hard to prevent self sufficiency in this nation at this time. They want to take the guns, stop the storing of food and medical supplies and stop people from growing their own food. These are the logistics that will be needed in a national conflagration.

It is also important for those future fighters to realize that these are the things that the government fighters will also need. A large mechanized force requires food, fuel and ammo on a continuous basis. If that logistics train is disrupted or stopped, that force becomes an ineffective rabble with limited ability. If you don't understand that just ask any German that fought at Stalingrad. Once they lost their ability to resupply their troops the men were finished.

The south did not lose the war because they were not dedicated enough or brave enough, they lost because they were overwhelmed by the enemy's superior logistics. This is how a future aggressor will attempt to take control of this country. They will attempt to wear us down and bleed us dry until we no longer have the ability to fight. The only way to prevent that type of scenario is for Americans to have their own logistics base in place to maintain a fighting ability for an indefinite period of time. That will take planning and investment of time and resources. So, to all of you who are not busy protesting on the latest outrage from Washington, I understand. Just keep building and stacking.

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