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Scientists Reveal Fukushima Doused Everyone on Earth With Radiation
Joshua Krause

When the crisis at the Fukushima power plant first began six years ago, there were legitimate fears that the radioactive particles spewing from the fuel rods could blanket the Earth. Since then the experts and the mainstream media have downplayed that possibility. Either they don’t think it’s possible, or they don’t think it’ll be significant. But recently, scientists in Norway have revealed that the radiation emitted from Fukushima really did have a global reach.

It’s been over half a decade since Japan’s Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant suffered a catastrophic meltdown due to the effects of a tsunami which struck the island nation, but scientists are only just now confirming its far-reaching effects. After conducting the first worldwide survey to measure the ultimate radiation exposure caused by the reactor meltdown, researchers at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research finally have a figure on exactly how much extra radiation humanity was exposed to.

According to the group’s data, over 80 percent of the radiation that was released by the meltdown ended up in either the ocean or ice at the north and south poles. Of the remaining radiation, each human on the planet received roughly 0.1 millisievert, which equates to about “one extra X-ray each,” according to the team.

Fortunately, that’s not a whole lot of radiation. That’s significantly less than the average amount of background radiation that most people receive in a year. The fact that we all received the equivalent of an x-ray isn’t alarming. What is alarming, however, is the fact that Fukushima did this, and it did it to every man and woman and child on Earth.

The reason why that’s so scary is that the Fukushima disaster is still unfolding. Earlier this year it was revealed that the level of radiation at the power plant was at its highest level since this crisis began in 2011, and the fuel rods have likely melted through their containment vessel. If this situation isn’t contained, then these fuel rods could melt into the groundwater, and spew radioactive particles into the ocean for years (or at least, more than what the power plant is already leaking into the ocean).

And we have to consider that as long as those fuel rods aren’t properly stored, they could still explode. If at any point in the next few decades, (which is how long most experts believe it’s going to take to decommission the power plant) the workers at Fukushima fail to keep the rods cool, they could become critical and cause an eruption of radioactive smoke that would spread throughout the atmosphere.

That’s why the discovery made by these Norwegian researchers should be taken seriously. We know for a fact that the radiation from Fukushima is capable of reaching everyone on our planet. So if the situation in Fukushima ever worsens, we know that there will be nowhere to run to. There will be no escaping the lethal emanations from that power plant.


Joshua Krause was born and raised in the Bay Area. He is a writer and researcher focused on principles of self-sufficiency and liberty at Ready Nutrition. You can follow Joshua’s work at our Facebook page or on his personal Twitter.

Joshua’s website is Strange Danger

My name is Tess Pennington, and I am the founder of Ready Nutrition. I was raised by a prepper (before the phrase was coined) in Houston, TX where hurricanes would batter and bruise the coast every few years. My father, being the extremely detail oriented individual that he is, was prepared for everything, beer fridge included. Even when Hurricane Alisha came through in the 1980’s, we were ready for anything to come our way, and as the neighbors were holed up in hotels, we were comfortably living at home.

After graduating from college, I joined the Red Cross in 1999. Seeing that the Red Cross had contingency plans for everything, I realized how important it was to be prepared. On 9/11, my Red Cross Chapter became the headquarters for dealing with the aftermath of that American tragedy. Within a few hours, a command center was set up, volunteers came in by the droves, and we were ready. I suppose you could say that was a defining moment in my life. I admired this organization’s forethought to prepare, and it influenced my decision to put my own disaster plan into place.

I think we can all identify with the idea that everyday, somewhere around the world, there is a major disaster. Whether it be natural, man made, or felt on a personal level with family disasters, many people are caught off guard and are ill-equipped to handle the unexpected.

Preparing for those disasters that I may come in contact with seemed only natural. Why wouldn’t I want to get some items and supplies together? I started this website, Ready Nutrition to document my journey on this preparedness road. The more I learn, the more it changes my outlook on life for the better.

My hope is that we can learn, share and find insight together.

Please feel free to contact me any time with thoughts, ideas, tips and suggestions.

My thanks to you for visiting Ready Nutrition.

Come back soon!


Tess Pennington



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